Sunday 27 May 2012

PARTYINGGGGG with your parents....

So this weekend has been pretty eventful; the Junior Melbourne High Social on Friday, a rather interesting Vietnamese class and Asian Gathering on Saturday and a homework day Sunday.

Saturday Night:
My family was invited to go to this asian gathering in Keilor or something along those lines. So when I got there, we were yet again very fucking early. What was even worse was that Jen (my sister) had work from 3-8pm at Bakers Delight. I practically sat there for a bagillion years watching Funniest Home Video Shows with this other guy I was assuming was around my age. Then about an hour later, his friend came and they did the whole 'sup handshake thing' which makes them look all cool and shit. And then he sort of scanned me and then sat down next to his friend. He would glance at me and then sorta laugh with his friend...Seriously I know I'm hot and all, but this is too much. HAHAHAH I make myself laugh sometimes. So at like 9 Jen finally came and as mature, asian adults, they thought that it was very much necessary to karaoke with a live band which consisted of my dad as well...when they decided that they were tired of karaoke, they thought it was vital that they had asian clubbing music (the "mmsk mmsk mmsk" kind) and Jen and I had nothing better to do so we were like fucking YOLO and got up and clubbed with the adults. By now those two guys came out to see what was happening and they probably saw me and Jen "shakin' our stuff" and they totes wanted in. You could tell that they wanted to come out and shuffle with us but no. They were too pussy. We eventually went back in and watched tv with them and that was when I got a good look at the guy that came later. He was alright, he was alright looking. EHHEHE... So nothing really happened after that, we watched the start of Saw 2 and then we went home at 2.

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