Wednesday 30 May 2012


I got my fringe trimmed today and the girl that usually cuts my hair was dying someone's hair so this other lady comes and cuts my fringe. The thing I liked about the girl that usually cuts my hair is that she doesn't make awkward conversation when we can just not talk. Well the lady that cut my hair today was talking about my life practically. I just kept thinking why she was talking to me when her first priority was to cut my hair correctly. When she was done she then "suggested" that I should cut my hair because I have split ends. It's not like I don't know that already bitch! I live with myself 24/7 and you wouldn't think for a second that I wouldn't notice that? Bitch please. I'm chopping off about 20cm on the 15th June. Why does it have to be on the 15th you say? Well, it's approximately half way through the year so yeah. Deal with it.


So we just came back from looking at this house from the WESTSIDEEE and then we went to visit a family friend who is currently in hospital. When we were pulling up to our house, the lady that was living across the street from us was taking out things that (I assume) she didn't want any more. When she had walked off, my dad practically skipped over and grabbed some things and then went back into the house. When I saw what he had kept, I thought he was the best dad in the world. Amongst the things I wouldn't bring home, he took back a perfectly new pair of Brooks female runners. HALLELUJAH!!! I really need a new pair of runners and God has been kind to me and has practically given me a pair which also happens to be my exact size of 7.5!!! Be excited guys!!! Best day EVAAAAA!!! 

Tuesday 29 May 2012

R.I.P. my friend

This was my baby, my friend, my lover. Thank you for being with me during rough times walking up to level three to my locker at school, sprinting to first period when I'm having an off day and dragging me home at the end of every day. I will never forget you. Be on your way peacefully. While I deal with this bitch.
God my heals are going to hurt.

*Blood nose*

So found these guy twins on youtube who sing. Oh my lord. Not only are they sexy bitches, but they are so talented and there are two of them as well... Brb while I fangirl. They're like the guy version of Jayesslee. Oh wow. I can't. Just look at them:

The very last time...

Today was one of the last times I will have rosemary and cheese bread with my sandwich since Jen is quit Baker's Delight *CREYYYY*. I will miss you dearly. This means that I have to get normal bread... 

Monday 28 May 2012

I wish...

I wish for a day I could just go around and punch bitches that I hate and then have them not remember anything the next day. That would actually relieve so much stress in my life right now.

Sunday 27 May 2012

All by myself.

Cause no one will play with me

Down Hill...

So this weekend has been pretty eventful; the Junior Melbourne High Social on Friday, a rather interesting Vietnamese class and Asian Gathering on Saturday and a homework day Sunday.

I made sure today I didn't do anything but homework. We all know that never happens. I have finished my work just to be clear, but not after I watched the last 2 episodes of rooftop Prince with Jen, cried over how amazing Micky is and depress over the fact that no normal man will ever be that sexy and kind and loving as him. *le cries* Just for you sad people who don't know who he is here is a photo of him:
Micky Fucking Yoochun

PARTYINGGGGG with your parents....

So this weekend has been pretty eventful; the Junior Melbourne High Social on Friday, a rather interesting Vietnamese class and Asian Gathering on Saturday and a homework day Sunday.

Saturday Night:
My family was invited to go to this asian gathering in Keilor or something along those lines. So when I got there, we were yet again very fucking early. What was even worse was that Jen (my sister) had work from 3-8pm at Bakers Delight. I practically sat there for a bagillion years watching Funniest Home Video Shows with this other guy I was assuming was around my age. Then about an hour later, his friend came and they did the whole 'sup handshake thing' which makes them look all cool and shit. And then he sort of scanned me and then sat down next to his friend. He would glance at me and then sorta laugh with his friend...Seriously I know I'm hot and all, but this is too much. HAHAHAH I make myself laugh sometimes. So at like 9 Jen finally came and as mature, asian adults, they thought that it was very much necessary to karaoke with a live band which consisted of my dad as well...when they decided that they were tired of karaoke, they thought it was vital that they had asian clubbing music (the "mmsk mmsk mmsk" kind) and Jen and I had nothing better to do so we were like fucking YOLO and got up and clubbed with the adults. By now those two guys came out to see what was happening and they probably saw me and Jen "shakin' our stuff" and they totes wanted in. You could tell that they wanted to come out and shuffle with us but no. They were too pussy. We eventually went back in and watched tv with them and that was when I got a good look at the guy that came later. He was alright, he was alright looking. EHHEHE... So nothing really happened after that, we watched the start of Saw 2 and then we went home at 2.

Not the usual thanks

So this weekend has been pretty eventful; the Junior Melbourne High Social on Friday, a rather interesting Vietnamese class and Asian Gathering on Saturday and a homework day Sunday.

Saturday Morning:
On Saturday morning I had the usual Vietnamese school but today's class was far from "usual". To start things off my friend didn't come so I ended going over to a seat next to this girl that I'm not that close with. Then at break, shit got real. We were playing thirteen like true asians and the girl that was sitting next to me and her guy cousin were going through this guy in my class' I-touch to get answers for the Logo Quiz/Game thingo. What ever it's called. Anyway, according to what the girl told me, they got bored of it and started going through his notes and the first note was "Girl's I wanna ask out". Turns out that at the top of that list was my name. Julia Ly. Oh god. Those two cousins practically screamed and looked like they were going to faint. It was an interesting morning and it got even more interesting at the asian gathering I went to that night.

The Grind

So this weekend has been pretty eventful; the Junior Melbourne High Social on Friday, a rather interesting Vietnamese class and Asian Gathering on Saturday and a homework day Sunday.

So Friday was the Melbourne High Junior Social and I had a good time with Andy, Bri, Jen (yes my sister went to the junior), my best friend Lisa and her two friends. Jen and I headed out to have a little lunch with Bri and Andy before the social started and Groove Train on Chapel Street. We had a few laughs, took some photos and complained about the over cooked food like we were Matt Preston. We then headed over to Melbourne High with Andy leading the way to make it look as though we were he's bitches HAHAHA, the amount of attention he got that night because he was surround by about six chicks the whole night..I swear. To summarise the night, got grinded on a few times and that's all I'm willing to say over the internet HA. And you're wondering, yes there are photos but I refuse to put them up because I look like a fag.

Thursday 24 May 2012

The sister deactivated her facebook.

Guess who's social life is over?

What the fuckery

So yesterday a couple of friends and myself went over to this girl's house to do our photography assignment. When we had finished everything that we needed to do, we had about an hour before our parents were going to pick us up and the girl (Siana) got us just random things she had in her pantry for us to eat I guess. She pulled this container and she said it was vitamins and that they tasted really good so I had one. I noticed before I ate it she was staring at me very intently, as if she were waiting for something to happen. Smart bitch. That vitamin was a fish shaped capsule and as soon as I bit down on it, this cold, fizzy, fake strawberry flavoured misty liquid squirted into my mouth. I actually thought I was going to faint or something like that. Most intense moment of my life. She experienced a good beating as soon as she started laughing so yeah. We're even.
The devil's child.

Monday 21 May 2012

Did they plan this or....

So today I found out that yet another assignment is due on Friday. That is a total of three all due on the same fucking day. Really school, really? Well fuck you. That's why Jen, my sister found a grey hair the other day. God how much I hate school at the moment.

The awkward moment when your dad turns up the radio when 'My Milkshakes' comes on...

Enough said.


I had music last period today which gave me a brilliant chance to check up on my baby. There's this ukulele in the storeroom which is not only beautiful, but it sounds so heavenly you would literally faint the first time you hear it. One strum is enough to make your knees go weak. Anyway, I have decided that this is going number one on my birthday list since it's coming up in 4 months. Here's a picture of her. 
She is a Kala Ukulele and they're apparently worth about 100 dollars... But fuck it. I still want it. 

Sunday 20 May 2012

Ghost in my bathroom

So I was minding my own business doing my thang in the toilet. I got up from "the seat" and I was about to take a step when I felt something stepping on my foot. I panicked and I stumbled and grabbed onto the sink to balance myself. I looked up at the mirror and saw the expression on my face which was basically 'fuck, shitting bricks, shitting bricks'. I stood there staring at myself trying to figure out what the hell just happened. The bathroom's cold temperature started to get to my feet so I started to rub my left foot with my right foot and I realised that that was the exact same amount of pressure as to when someone was supposedly stepping on it.. Turns out that the person stepping on my foot was myself. I had somehow managed to not step far enough and ended up stepping on my other foot when I thought that the foot that I was stepped on was the foot that was going to step. If you can't picture it then sorry...I have no idea how to make this easier to understand. That's just how I roll.

Last Night

So last night I was at a asian gathering and my sister had made a cd for party music in case we had the sudden urge to rock out with the adults or something..HAHAAH anyway, that urge came and we played a couple songs. It was all going good until this man makes his way into the middle of our fist pump circle and started to do a solo. I was cool with it until he slid onto the ground and did a move sorta like this...
Ruined it. He just ruined the moment. Everyone just sorta stood there and stared at him whilst he "bust his moves" and then we just slowly started to file back into the house.
Besides that, my Saturday was good I guess.

Friday 18 May 2012

Cannot be unseen

At Tutorial (Homeroom or what ever you call it) we had a sub because our fucking Tute teacher wasn't there. So the sub that we got rocked up and I actually thought I was going to faint right there and then. She looked exactly like CARLY FUCKING RAE JEPSON only older.... So a couple of my friends were trying to take a photo of her face with her noticing so we could use it for future reference?? I don't know. Isn't that what you do when you see a celebrity's dopple ganger? I would upload a photo of her but I wouldn't want a law suit against me so yeah....

Thursday 17 May 2012

They missed out on one...

I'm currently at school on blogger. AHAHAH. I can't believe they didn't block it from the school. Dumb bitches.... I actually have something to do at school now.

I would insert a photo but it's not letting me so you;re gonna have to stare at the screen like you're looking at something cool.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

For the last time

Today I completed my last EVER NAPLAN. aklj;dsfhlihdfslkasjhdkja I never thought this day would come. The last tests were on maths. Since it's in sorta in my asian blood I thought I aced it. I think not. It was the hardest math test I've ever done after the Mac Rob entrance exam. I thought I was going to just stand up and leave the room at one point but I didn't. I sat there for two whole periods doing maths. I'm just hoping that the results are nice to me. Fingers crossed!


Three down two to go!!!

I am not ashamed...

I honestly am not ashamed of knowing all the lyrics to As Long As You Love Me by the Backstreet Boys. It came up on shuffle and I didn't realise that I started subconsciously jamming to it cause it actually is an amazing song.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

That's wasissss

So I saw this on facebook and I thought it was a little awkward but yeah you decide for yourself.

Monday 14 May 2012


So after about an hour's worth of playing bass guitar in music, I got a blister on one of the most annoying places in the whole entire world.

Behold the thumb.
I just realised this is a really shit photo of it but just tilt your screen back and pretend your looking at something that's actually worth your time.


So just got blogspot. I have no idea what I'm doing. This shall be very interesting.