Monday 31 December 2012

Is it weird that I find Sheldon really cute here?

Happy New Year!!!

I hope you all have had one hell of a 2012, 2013 has some high standards to live up to. Hope you all have a happy and safe New Year where ever you may be. I'll be spending New Year's Day in da bush.

We're going to Bonny Doon!

LOL jokes. We're going camping in Yarrawonga for 3 days. yolo

Sunday 30 December 2012


Me and a friend made a pact to not eat any fast foods and junk foods for the whole year! Wish me luck!

Never have I ever...

seen a group of guys like that before.

Adventure Parkk with the family

On the 23rd BSC went to Adventure Park Geelong!!! Highlight was obviously Lazy River. As soon as you name something "lazy" then it automatically turns into a battle field.

so seductive
family photo!


da sistahhh

Adelaide Update!

Im so sorry for being really slack but I will pick up my game from now on!

On Christmas Eve, my family and a couple others drove to Mount Gambier in Adelaide to spend Christmas with some friends. It was a painful 6 hour car trip but we got there eventually.

We built our tents and braced ourselves for a good time.

For the next 4-5 days we;

  • sight saw? sight seed? I have no idea what the past tense of that is
  • made some new friends
  • caught abalone and lobsters
  • caught a shit load of pippies
  • played a whole lot of thirteen and black jack
  • didn't go Boxing Day shopping
  • went to the beach almost every day
Before we left I was warned that Adelaide is really boring and that my time there will be shit but I honestly thought it was fun.

In da bush.

Up on the hill across the Blue Lake!!! No seriously the lake is called Blue lake and it's B.L.U.E.

Wednesday 19 December 2012


Went out with the old crew today of Thao, Cindy, Lisa and Jen to celebrate Thao's early birthday. We went to Crazy Wings and pigged out whilst watching the weak westerners try to eat the 'Crazy Wing'. Then went to Passion Flower and ordered the most delicious ice cream based desserts in the whole entire world. Jen and myself shared strawberry pancakes. Finally went over to MC to cool off in the 'green house place'. HAHAHA. I have no idea what it's called. We coincidentally saw Jenny and Anna there and hung out with them until we had to get back home. It was a nice outing. It would've been better if Melbourne's weather wasn't pmsing.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Dinner with my gal pals!

  • Arrived at Lisa's house and then went to Coles to buy our ingredients 
  • Had roast chicken with, mash potatoes, chips and salad 
  • Filled each other in with what's been happening during the time we weren't together
  • Had ice cream whilst we watched Pitch Perfect
  • had more ice cream
I had a lovely day with the crew today. I miss these guys so much. I'm so thankful to have them in my life. I have no idea how we remained this close. We all go to different schools (MGC, Santa, Academy, Cory). We will stay like this foreverrr!

Sunday 16 December 2012

Who's going to Good Life? I am! HAHAHAHAHA. This shall be interesting. Flemington Racecourse ain't seen nothing yet.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Spontaneous Rave Sesh!!!

Today Tash, Nat, Jen and me crashed Lisa's place to have a spontaneous rave session. She had all of the speakers ready and all we needed was the music. It was really fun and I think I pulled my back or something afterwards. HAHAHA. Beauty Raving is pain.

I looked like a turd after our fist pump sesh. 


So Jen and I thought 'Hey let's make a Youtube channel and post videos of us singing and stuff'. But we obviously didn't do that so yeah.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Monday 10 December 2012

  • arrive home from outing with Lisa and Vivian
  • ring door bell no one answers
  • ring again no one answers
  • check mailbox for spare key
  • gets into house and no one is home
  • calls mum she doesn't pick up
  • calls dad his phone is at home
  • contemplating the possibility of family being murdered by a neighbourhood serial killer
  • calls Jen she picks up (at least we're not dead...)
  • mum calls back after half an hour of intense waiting and says she's out with dad
Thanks mum. I was literally shitting bricks.

Sunday 9 December 2012



I guess it's about time I fill you in with what I did on Marine Bio camp.

Day 1:

  • Rock pool walking? I don't really know what to call it. We went and looked and explored rock pools
  • Put up our tents and settled in 
  • Made and had dinner (yes I cooked...)
Overall a pretty boring day. It was mainly because of the terrible weather. We had to switch our plans around because of it. The swell was 7m that day so obviously they wouldn't send us out snorkelling. It would be a death sentence.

Day 2:

  • Snorkelling
  • Went to this Marine place with animals and stuff...LOL I actually have no idea what the place is called. We looked at macro and micro organisms and then fed the fish.
  • Went looking at more rock pools
  • Had fish and chips on the beach for dinner
  • Made a turtle sand castle, played beach cricket and ultimate frisbee
I have to say, the second day was probably the best! The weather wasn't bad and we had a lot of things to do.

Day 3 (Last Day):

  • Went on a boat trip 5km out of shore to see animals such as the Australian Fur Seal and the Wandering Sea Anemone
  • Climbed a lighthouse and looked at the view
  • Packed our things 
  • Left camp and got stuck in traffic for 3 hours *drainer*
The last day of camp was a let down... I thought we'd end it with a bang but I guess not. But something the lifted my mood was this:
*the photo will come soon cause I took it on my friend's camera*

Friday 7 December 2012

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Last day

Today was the last day of school for me since tomorrow I have Marine Biology camp. I actually felt so sad. Year nine has been swell. I actually cried during our lesson of English. I love Ms Hazzles so much! I'm going to miss her.

I also won't be posting for the next couple of days. Don't miss me too much :)

Sunday 2 December 2012

Johnny Depp you god.

Homework tym!!!

For about five hours, I devoted all of my time to finishing all of my Marine Biology homework. I honestly thought I was going to die. I had to start and finish a painting spreading the awareness of ocean acidification, print off like 10 billion sheets and update my book with all the work I haven't done. GAHHHHH

I've been everywhere mann

Yesterday I went to a Christmas party, 24 days before Christmas (noice). It was the usual gang; me, Jen, Tash and Nat. We were making our way through the night when our friend's mum asked us if we wanted to come and pick her up from a party. Hell yeahh!! Any excuse to go on a car trip with the girls is good enough for me. We all pile in the car and arrive at the party and basically barge through the  front door. Someone directs us to the back of the house (true asians) and we see this gorgeous halfie. Be cool guizzz. We eventually grab her and get back into the car where we continue our little fist pump sesh. We were happily jamming away when we look over and realise that Tash has somehow convinced our friend's mum to fist pump along with us. The funniest thing ever!!!
me and Nat!

Friday 30 November 2012

10 Things I Hate About You

I honestly can not love this movie enough. It's on my favourites list. Heath Ledger and Joseph Gordon-Levitt in one movie? Hell yeahh

Can't find my $20 OPI nail polish.

I could actually cry.


Every artist I've ever loved shoved in one album.
and that was when the girl realised there were only 2 days until camp and five days until the end of school.

Mini Haul-Cotton On!

Me and Jen were home alone and thought it was a good opportunity to go shopping. From Cotton On, I got five things:
  1. Khaki Beanie-$2
  2. Sky blue, fir printed maxi skirt-$5
  3. White printed tank-$5
  4. Black printed tank-$5
  5. Quoted Card-50c

About bloody time

After a year's worth of being Class Captain and not having recognition for it because I was badge-less, I finally got it thanks to my Tute teacher who I don't really like but I guess after this, we're okay.

Wednesday 28 November 2012


In Melbourne it hit a maximum of 39.5 degrees and it's really hurting. I find out that tomorrow there's a possibility of heavy rain. Really? What the fuck Melbourne. Why you change so often?

nek minut

Tuesday 27 November 2012


For the past couple of weeks in English, we read and watched the movie Like Water For Chocolate. We were then set the task to write a creative piece that had to consist of similar themes that could be found in the book. My story is set during World War 2 in Nagasaki, Japan. It revolves around an American soldier Daniel Eastwood, a Japanese Lieutenant General Akio Hanagami and his fiance Kiyomi Sugawara. See what  did there with the names? LOL. Anyway, Daniel, in his troop land in an area near Nagasaki but are ambushed by Japanese soldiers. He gets injured and takes refuge in a nearby barn. He wakes up the next morning to find a Japanese woman staring down at him. He tries to stand up to defend himself but faints in the process. Kiyomi, the woman takes him in and nurses him. When he awakes, he learns that she is a beautiful, gentle soul and means no harm. Their relationship blossoms into love but she tells him that her fiance is Lieutenant General Akio Hangami from the Japanese Imperial army and will return very soon. What will happen next? What will the general do when he finds out that his fiance is hiding a rival? CLIFF HANGER!!! Only I know what will happen HAHAHA. I'll upload the story when I'm done.


Today apparently is only 29 degrees but I'm already dying. I think everyone felt it especially when we got ready for P.E, we were all sweating and puffing. Tomorrow has been reported to reach 37 degrees!!! That means an early finish for mehhh!!! Too bad we still have Science...

well fuck me...

Walk up to lockers, find out that we have a science test 1st period. Well that's just swell.
I just finished it and it wasn't too bad. I did okay I guess. ljafjlhefjknapsfhjl


The Pauly and Vinny bromance on Jersey Shore is jealous worthy. I honestly love and ship then so much.

Monday 26 November 2012

Early finish

Since it's Presentation Day today, we finish at 12:45. We, Chopsticks (the name we gave for the asians in our class) decided to go eat mexican. LOL. We had a much needed conversation about everything. I love it when I can just sit down and talk.

Friday 23 November 2012


I watched the movie Brave for the first time today and I'm not going to lie, I wept like a baby. The royal family in this movie is basically the family I wish I had, a dad like the King, little brothers and a bear. That's all I ask for.
The brothers are sooooooo cute!


For English today, we all had to bring in a dish that was special to us. As everyone walked in with their amazing and unique dishes, I came in with lemonade. Don't be fooled by it's exterior because that shit is from the heavens. It may only consist of water, lemons, sugar and honey, but once you get the proportions right, it's like liquid gold trickling down your throat. And the class agreed. Everyone was asking for the recipe and the secret to this glass of awesomeness but too bad I don't know. I shall learn her ways.

First dissection!

I did my first sea star dissection today in Marine Biology. It was freaking mad!!!
(left) the oral side of the sea star, (right) aboral side of the sea star

Thursday 22 November 2012

My net suddenly became really fast....

lol wut?

As me and my rents walked out of school to go home, I noticed that our car was no where in sight. Turns out that they were in a car accident on their way here. Which was also the reason why I couldn't spot them whilst I was doing my lines. They came late. We ended up driving home in this tiny as Toyota which could only fit like three people and the worst thing is, we're not even getting a new car. Since it was our fault that the car was damaged and that it was in bad shape but still repairable, we can't even get a new car according to our insurance contract.

Performing Arts: D-Day

Today was the day. We've been spending all of this semester planning, preparing and rehearsing for this one day. Our whole class was stressing out over every single detail but we somehow managed to pull it all together against all odds. I actually love my class so much and will forever be its proud Class Captain. I am literally going to cry next year when all of our subjects are changed. What will I do without these guys?
In our performance, I was acting as a lion so I gave permission for the class to touch my precious hair. It took half an hour to comb out the knots with conditioner.

How can you not love these guys? We all come from completely different cliques and yet we can become such good friends. I've never been more 'myself'' since I was put in a class with these retards.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Inside joke

Don't you just love it when only you and one other friend see something that is so funny that it can't be re-explained? Well today I saw something and so did Danielle, and we've been laughing ever since. I can actually die laughing.

Thursday 15 November 2012

This is so beautiful

Turtleman is such a babe

He keeps people safe, sometimes, without any pay. He deserves a noble prise. 

Being the cock block that you are...

It's been a freaking amazing year. Year 9 has been the best year so far but then our end of year exams just had to cock block our fun. Science, Forensic Science, Marine Biology, English and two Maths. I seriously am really close to killing myself. Legit.

Wednesday 14 November 2012


FARKKKKK!!! Lisa's 16th is this weekend and my face decides to shift it's tectonic plates to form the most disgusting Mount Vesuvius in the world. Why me? Why now??? I'm not even going to try getting rid of it because it's so massive and disgusting. This seems to always happen to me. I barely get any pimples but when I do, They're near my nose, are big and throb. FUCKING GROSS!!! Arghhh!!!

Monday 12 November 2012

Sunday 11 November 2012

I just got told that my aunty just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.

The thing is, I didn't even know she was pregnant.

Saw Hamish Blake on my way to school today.

Just the cas.

Tammy and Arvin's Wedding!!!

Congrats to the sexy newly weds!!! I hope you live happily ever after and make hot half viet half filipino babies :)
me and my unicorn
one of the bridesmaids is from KSTAR so five of the members performed!! The guy on the left was gorgeous!!!!

Don't mind my tears...

Just finished watching the Bruce Willis movie The Sixth Sense. It's about a child psychologist, Dr. Malcom Crowe (Bruce Willis) who wins an award for his contributions in helping children and their families. On the night of the award ceremony, an ex patient visits Dr. Crowe and says that he didn't help him at all. A year later, Dr. Crowe meets Cole Seer, a patient who gives off similar characteristics to his ex patient. Dr. Crowe begins to understand that Cole doesn't suffer from anything mentally but it's something completely different...
I braced myself for this movie hearing that it was scary, but honestly it wasn't too bad. It had a really good story line with amazing cast. Mischa Barton also made a surprising cameo as a girl who visits Cole. This movie was actually really well put together and surprisingly emotional. I wept like a baby at some scenes. And the twist at the end really blew your mind.
This movie is really good and I would definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to freak out and cry. 

Monday 5 November 2012

This long weekend came and went so quickly. Tomorrow is back to school, then Saturday is the wedding and then only another month until freedom!!!

Male Specimen

I noticed that there were a lot of attractive male specimens in the city today. My eyes couldn't help gazing in their direction.


Went to State Library today to do my pile of homework that I was supposed to do over the long weekend. I stayed there for about 3 hours until I just could not be bothered any more. At least I got most of my work done...

oh my...

the most amazing thing EVAAAA


Went to a 35th wedding anniversary highly undressed...I would have come in appropriate attire if anyone bothered to tell me what the occasion was...I wasn't being myself and read the rest of The Book Thief away from 'people'. And when the host's son offered to get me some water after I finished the book, I probably looked like a wreck. I was such an awkward turtle. LOL

It's been so long :')

I haven't blogged in literally five days and I'm about to bombard you with five days worth of posts HAHAHA.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Melbourne Cup!

With the Melbourne Cup being on Tuesday, our school decided to give us a day off on Monday as well. That means a 4 DAY HOLIDAY!!! FUCK YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! This weekend is gonna be awesome! Well, it better be awesome.


Today Sandy told me that she saw the guy I've seen on the tram again. And when I asked what about it, she hesitated and basically told me that she thinks he's hot and wants me too hook her up. I cool with that but I just don't want to get into relationship drama.

Melbourne weather.

It was 34 degrees yesterday and today, it was a max of 17. Are you kidding me.

Wednesday 31 October 2012

He's the only sexy guy with a ratty.

Feels like I'm four again :')

I had to ditch doing trick or treating today to go paint the back drop for the class performance on the 22nd November. We're currently really behind so we had to spend today's day off to do more work LOL. I got to Carla's house and she showed me the paints that her mum had and they were the brand that I'm sure everyone knows of when they see it. The one that smells like crap. Literally. it also has this cartoon of this weirdly shaped kid on it... Anyway, smelling it and using it again made me reminisce on the good old days of innocentness.


Tuesday 30 October 2012


Hot and botheredd

It hit 32 degrees celsius today and I actuallu thought that I was going to punch someone. I hate hot weather!!! Even my Blistex is melting *le cries*.