Friday 21 September 2012

It's mah birfdai!!!

Today is my birthday!!! I arrived at City Experience with people saying "Happy Birthday" and people giving me food and cards HAHAHA. I had to then quickly go and get ready for the Amazing Race that the teachers designed for us that surrounded the city. It was a month's worth of running around asking people for directions and sweating... Since it was also the last day of term, my class had a little breakdown when we had to say goodbye to everyone especially our student teacher, Mr. Stubberfield because it was his last day we gave him a card and everything because he was an awesome teacher. When I got home, Jen gave me a present from a friend she met up with who couldn't meet me. I then went to a friend's house because her and some of my other friends had a "surprise" for me. They attempted to make macaroons but it didn't look too good. It tasted great though, which was a bonus. Had a really good day and I hope that it gets better!
LOL they taste better than they look

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