Sunday 30 September 2012


Yesterday was Cindy's 18th birthday party. It was a really fun day filled with laughing, fist pumping and singing as though our lives depended on it.
Robert's bitches HAHAHA
he's so cute

Thursday 27 September 2012

It's fucking worth it

After coming back from Jay Park's Tour yesterday, I was so tired and drained that I had to put off updating on what happened until today. Lisa,
Jemima and me made our way to Dallas Brouke's Centre to be greeted by the longest line in the whole entire world, which got longer. We waited another 45 minutes until we to finally get inside where Jen shuffled her way in with us as well. We got our wrist bands and glow sticks and went to our seats. Where we spotted a friend sitting a few rows behind us. Our seats weren't too bad, close enough for us to see shit and far enough for Jay Park not to see us. *cries*
Mychonny was the MC for the night and honestly, he did a good job. I was pleasantly surprised. He introduced the opening act which was a boy group named CHILL which included DarrenTP and two other guys. Their début song wasn't that amazing to be honest. Their covers that they later did were better. Darren just seemed to hog the mic too much considering the other guys were better than him...LOL
When Jay Park finally came up on stage, we all went crazy. I couldn't believe that I was seeing him with my own eyes. He is so beautiful in person. He seemed to get hotter throughout the night as he stripped and danced. *dies* He was so good live. And when the last song played, me and Jen said fuck it and ran to where the VVIP and VIP were standing so we could get a better look. Then everyone bolted to try and get a better view HAHAHAHA. That's right bitches we got their first. I was so close that I could practically touch him. Those abs man those abs.
T'was an amazing day. I still can't believe I saw him. I don't know if I was dreaming the whole three hours or not.
sorry for looking like a tard

the god himself

Wednesday 26 September 2012

this is so messed up...

My computer decides to make everything "not-respond" to almost everything I do. First it was Media Player, then it was Skype. What's going to be next? First world problems...

First 10 minutes of Up, still a better love story than Twilight

After re watching the movie Up, I realised that the first 10 minutes gets me every time. There's no escaping it. Why can't I be in a relationship that cute.

200th post!!!

200th post and I'm dedicating it to Paul Kim's new cover. Fark he's so amazing.

No biggy

I re watched a whole season of Community in two days. Yes I know you are all jealous of my social skills. Abed for lyf!!!!

Monday 24 September 2012

So tempted...

I'm so tempted to get another piercing today. It's on my to do list and today seems to be the day to do it, beautiful weather, nothing on and procrastination to do anything else. All I need now is permission. Fuck my life. Is it that hard to get one little piercing?

Sunday 23 September 2012

my lord...

I actually love the mint dotti jumper that David and Kevin bought for me for my birthday. It's warm, cuddly and pretty. HAHAHA. I actually love it soo much.


First person to watch this. YEAAAA BUDDY!!!

Oh how much I loathe editing photos.

New shoes

Wore Jen's shoes that she doesn't fit to an asian event today. They're pretty sexy.
thank you new opp shop!

Saturday 22 September 2012

Opp Shop/Birthday Outing/1st Birthday

Yesterday I went to a newly found opp shop, out for an outing with some of my friends to celebrate my birthday and a first birthday. We woke up at 8 am to go to this supposed amazing opp shop and was completely overwhelmed by the cheap clothes that we found. I had to contain myself because I had other things to attend to. We drove to Melbourne Central where we met up with some friends to celebrate my birthday. After we got passed the awkward introductions, we went and watched Hotel Transylvania. The movie was really good and the end was just "incomprehendable" (if that's even a word...). We then stopped at Nandos to eat, catch up and open my presents. We next went to Crown to play Lazer Skirmish (my $216 shout HAHAHA) and there is always that one really competitive white group of people in the red team (today was not an exception) and watched Robert and Steven's annual DDR battle with a whole crowd of people. HAHAHA. After we said our goodbyes, me and Jen were picked up by our parents to go to a first birthday. Everything was pretty boring until about 10:30 when the hosts of the party decided to have a rave sesh and played Gangnam Style by PSY. After that we were quickly ushered to go home because my dad's annoying...It was a good day which ended on a slight sour note.
Yellow, Green, White and Blue and Navy Blue and Red jackets (my life is fucking complete)
only half of the group HAHAH
w@sT3d mudd@ p@Rk3r

$150, Rocky Road cupcake (the Cupcake Bakery), Collette wallet, autographed Taemin plaroid, CAKE!
Arranged flower pot (LOL cutee), autographed Eunhyuk portrait, giant lollipop, mint jumper (Dotti)

Friday 21 September 2012

It's mah birfdai!!!

Today is my birthday!!! I arrived at City Experience with people saying "Happy Birthday" and people giving me food and cards HAHAHA. I had to then quickly go and get ready for the Amazing Race that the teachers designed for us that surrounded the city. It was a month's worth of running around asking people for directions and sweating... Since it was also the last day of term, my class had a little breakdown when we had to say goodbye to everyone especially our student teacher, Mr. Stubberfield because it was his last day we gave him a card and everything because he was an awesome teacher. When I got home, Jen gave me a present from a friend she met up with who couldn't meet me. I then went to a friend's house because her and some of my other friends had a "surprise" for me. They attempted to make macaroons but it didn't look too good. It tasted great though, which was a bonus. Had a really good day and I hope that it gets better!
LOL they taste better than they look

Thursday 20 September 2012



When you're coincidently in the city and Haribo decide to hand out free lollies by the handfuls. Many would think that that's just a coincidence but I think it's fate. Haribo wants me to get fat.

First birthday present!

Got my first birthday present today; a red velvet and a cookies and cream cupcake from the Cupcake Factory in the city from Anne!!! Thanks man! It was yum yum in my tum tum.


This time tomorrow, I will be a year older. Fuck me.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

i can't even

What are they trying to do?

I arrived at the City Experience set location to find out that we share it with Simonds and Xavier. An awkward reunion was shared with some people as we were waiting at the lift. It was even worse when I found out that we shared the same floor with Simonds. At one point I actually thought that the teachers were trying to set us up with them or something. It was too much of a coincidence. But I guess it's my gain.

2 SLEEPS!!!!

I cannot believe that I have two days of 14ness left. It still hasn't sunk in yet that I'll be 15 in a few days. I still feel like a little kid.


Today was the first day of City Experience. City Experience consists of so much walking it's not even funny. If my calves aren't toned by the end of this, I will sue.

My collection of food stolen from the teacher's table.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Singing the song my dad hates just to piss him off. Gold.

story of my life.


I got back the results of my Trigonometry test that I didn't study for and got a 98. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? Oh my lord. I have no idea how I did it. It probably has something to do with the fact that I'm asian...

Expectation vs Reality

The good feeling you get after you have a really healthy dinner with some fruit and water, thinking that you will keep this up and become healthier. WRONGG!

Saturday 15 September 2012

Nick- "Do they always fight like this?"
Deena- "Yeah"
Nick- "Fuck"

What is this?

I had a sudden burst of I-think-I-should-do-my-homework and I spent four hours doing my homework with no break no breakfast no nothing and a actually finished everything. This is the proudest moment of my life.


SINCE WHEN WAS THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE MAKING ANOTHER MOVIE? I'm so excited!!! But part of me is thinking that it won't be as good as the first one... But it's cool! I haven't seen a good scary movie in a really long time. Let's just hope this one will make me shit myself.


Apparently there's a birthday party on the same day of MY birthday outing. Awkward. Let's just hope that we look cool when we rock up late...

Thursday 13 September 2012

The tap...

Apparently our student teacher thinks that Claire has a crush on him because she casually tapped him on his shoulder during English. He asked her to stay back after school so he could have a talk with her about their teacher student relationship. That actually made my day.

The Last Supper

Today was the last day that our group was a whole before Claire and Danielle left for China. We had a massive feast at school and didn't want it to end. I'm going to miss their faces so much. WAHH!!!
Da crewww. Danielle (middle left) Claire (middle right)

I hate it when someone I know has gotten hotter over the years but I know I can't touch them. Fuck my life.

R U Okay?

Today is R U Okay Day. Ask someone "R U Okay" and it might not only change their life but yours as well. It may pull them back from the edge and it might draw your friendship even closer together. So just ask someone if they're okay.


Woodstock Day at school today and dressed up as a hippyish pippy...I did my best. There were also friendship bracelet stalls for 20 cents a piece and I got 5...HAHAHAHA That's all I really cared about. 

Thank you Mister Obvious

Thanks, I know what I'm getting from you for my birthday now.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

fuck my life

Arden Cho is flawless. HAHAH. She actually is. She's so hot, talented and cute. FUCK MY LIFE.

Spring Wardrobe Cleaning

As soon as we got home, me and Jen start cleaning out our wardrobe, throwing things we dont want and wear out. Along the way, we also did a little DIY and made new tops and shorts. After a total of four and a half hours, our wardrobe is more organised and beautiful.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Oh Vinny...

"It has something to do with packing and rhymes with.......weaving..." - Vinny

Monday 10 September 2012

It's actually HOT in Melbourne.

22 degrees.

Freakin Amazing

She's so freakin amazing.

Pythag & Trig

I finished the most disgusting math test in the history of math tests today. I can't even begin to explain how much I hate Pythagorous and Trigonometry. Not only do I suck at it, but I'm freaking slow at it as well. It's like me and tomatoes. We hate each other, but we just have to deal with it. I hope I didn't mess up too much...


Re watching Jersey Shore cause I can



Sunday 9 September 2012

Suicide Awareness Day

Write the word love on your wrist to support Suicide Awareness Day today!
Koodos to Sandy who drew this for me :)

Saturday 8 September 2012

Break down

We were about to leave from a family friend's party when we realised that our battery was flat. 45 minutes, 2 new batteries and 5 tipsy men later, we finally get home. Frustration was maxing out.

Wednesday 5 September 2012


Had a study sleepover last night at Anne's house since we didn't have school today because of teacher strike. Our assignment was to make an advertisement on STIs or a type of contraception for Health. HAHAHAHA. We ended up writing this whole song for the ad using the backing track of Cooler Than Me by Mike Posner whilst having dirty conversations in between. We had a little dnm when we were going to sleep and had a little freak out sesh when the wind picked up outside and made some full on noises. Good timess.

Monday 3 September 2012

We got told that on Wednesday we'll be getting a day off because the majority of our teachers will be going on strike. I hope the government listens to their words because they all deserve better than what they initially get.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Well someone's on the ball

The usual

After watching about five hour's worth of Star Golden Bell I then reward myself with an hours worth of homework followed with another 3 hours of Star Golden Bell.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Bad Side

Literally every adult I talked to pissed me off yesterday. I was so angry that I wanted to punch a few of them. Especially the "family friend" that thought he could some how black mail me by basically threatening me about knowing that I swear. Who the hell does he think he is? I "disliked" you before but now I just hate you.