Friday 29 June 2012

Josh Thomas!!

We went to eat at Yum Cha on Vic Street today and halfway into our meal, Josh Thomas and I'm assuming his friends walk in and sit down. I was freaking out. I didn't want to ask for a photo because he was eating. Just being in his presence is enough for me.

Away We Happened

I just finished the 6 episode series Away We Happened that Wong Fu Productions made. It starred Victor Kim and Jen Buescher. The last episode came out last night and I watched it today. It was really good! I was just really shocked when they kissed. It was just really unexpected. But I approve of them!!! They're really cute.

I can't stress enough how true this is.


Wednesday 27 June 2012

Winter Rashes...

It's that time of year again. Winter. My body seems to not really like Winter all that much. I seem to get rashes on my wrists, calces and lower thighs. It's been like that for ages. I guess I should get it checked out sometime...

Tuesday 26 June 2012

It feels so different

I'm so not used to the new background


My rents promised to on Friday, take the whole family out on a trip to...Supre Factory Outlet!!!!! $5 clothes here I come!!!!!

Thursday 21 June 2012

Challenge Accepted


I experienced my first Dance Styles class today with Mr. Evans and a class full of classical dancers. It was bullshit. He said he wanted to see where everyone was at so he suggested that we do corner work. I'm cool with that except that the corner work was based all around Ballet and contemporary techniques and moves. He shoved a hip hopper into classical and then now probably assumes that I don't dance because I couldn't do much of what he was saying. I think I'm going to swap electives to Forensic Science...

Wednesday 20 June 2012


I currently have only one episode of Supernatural Season 6 left. I don't want to watch it because that means that I have run out of Dean Winchester and season 7 hasn't finished yet so I can't download it and to make it even worse it's too far in for me to watch on TV. I must resist the urge to watch the last episode of season 6 otherwise I won't have anything better to do with my life...


Today was casual clothes day at school and the theme was Grease. I came in leggings, a jumper and my new Topshop shoes. You can totally see the Grease inspired-ness in my outfit. For once I was actually warm at school. It's good to wear something different to school once in a while.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

I predict an earthquakeee

So apparently there was an earthquake about ten minutes ago in my area. I honestly didn't feel shit. Too busy watching my chinese dramas with the rents. Well at least no one died.


Since I finish early today, I thought a little spontaneous shopping wouldn't hurt anyone so I went down on Chapel Street and found a couple things. I first went into Topshop and found the most beautiful and comfortable pair of shoes I've ever worn. They were $40 and I regret nothing!

Then stopped by at Cotton On to see if there were any sales. I found a a long maroon singlet for 5 dorra. I couldn't help but buy it even though it's the middle of Winter...


On Saturday, went to another asian gathering. YAY... But at least this one consisted of me meeting the host's attractive son. I must admit, I was not expecting that. I obviously wasn't going to make a move or something like that because one, I'm a pussy and two, I'm a pussy so when I went to the bathroom which was "conveniently" placed next to where the adults were karaoking, I had to knock on the door just in case it was occupied. The music was way too loud so I had to then lean in to check if there was a response. Just as I leant in, I heard the lock unlock and the door open whilst I was still in the "trying to listen position" just with out the door in between. I looked up to see who it was and turns out, the person in the toilet was the host's attractive son. I was practically ear-to-chest. I quickly straightened myself, gave a quick and awkward smile and moved around him into the toilet. When I had locked the door, I thought I might as well drown myself in the toilet bowl. AIGOO...

Thursday 14 June 2012

C Team Represent!!!

So I went to play netball today at the State Netball and Hockey Centre against other schools in a round robin. Our first game was against Uni High's A team. We lost 13 to 2. We did pretty well considering they were the A team and that we've never played in our teams before. Our next game was against our B team we lost 6 to 4. Then we versed Fitzroy High's A team and won by two. I don't remember the score. Then our last game was against our A team. Though we got completely smashed, we ended up scoring more than the B team when they versed the A team. The day was actually going good until the teachers told us that they wanted us to go back to school for last period. We were all pretty pissed off with that decision. We then all made a pact that no one would go to fourth period. We all understood that if someone went to last period, then it would screw the rest of us. Everyone agreeded so when we got to school, we just did a lap of the school and then went home. 'Twas a good day.


Today Jen and I bought a korean movie I really wanted to watch since around the middle of last year called Silenced/Crucible/Dogani. It's a movie about an art teacher who goes to a school for disabled kids to teach art. He later finds out that they get abused sexually and physically by the teachers and the principal. Along with a Human Rights activist they bring the teachers and principal to court to try and get justice for those kids. This movie was really good. It not only had a really good plot, but the actors and actresses who feature in the movie are amazing. I have so much respect for the child actresses and actors in this movie. This is one of my top all time favourite movies list.

Tuesday 12 June 2012


It seems as though facebook's text size has increased by the slightest and I seemed to notice it straight away. No I don't have too much time on my hands.

Monday 11 June 2012

The stereotype is not true

Did my mid year maths test today and I actually thought I did all right until I heard what everyone else got. I got 37 out of 40 which is 92% which I'm happy with, then when I asked my white friends what they got, two of them got 100%. The stereotype is so not true...I obviously am not asian.


Today was a day off because of the Queen's Birthday even though her birthday was ages ago...But who cares! It means a day off for me and that means sleeping in till 12 and then finishing my book for the next 2 hours. Then I finished my Photography homework which was to do a photo shoot for 'my' magazine. Jen was my model only if I went to Coles to buy her 2 Turkish Delight bars, a packet of chicken Twisties and a packet of Burger Rings. I obviously did it since the work was due on Tuesday. I don't really know which one I'll pick out of the 16 photos.


On Sunday I went over to my best friend's house when she invited me to come on Monday...I little awkward but it's all good. We made spring rolls and two minute noodles then had the longest dnm session  with snippets of skype, youtube and facebook in between.


We had nothing planned on Saturday so me and Jen went shopping. Our day was getting good until I bumped into my best friend and some of her friends which I would call my friends too. Turns out they were all together celebrating these two girls birthdays which were a day after each other and didn't invite me...Awkward. I honestly don't mind. It was just awkward how they treated me; a little snobbish, as though they were on top of me...Especially because I've met all of them at least three times each. Anyway, I got a emerald green knitted jumper, 3 quarter leggings (don't judge they're for sport), a $2 cross necklace (it was $2), two cute as scrunchies, kimchi and the item I've wanted since a year ago, a shade of OPI nail polish called 'Barefoot in Barcelona'. That colour is like heaven.

Friday Nightt

On Friday after school, my family went to another asian gathering. Just your typical day with us. It really felt like a Saturday.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Frustrated...Sexually ;)

I've been obsessing over Climax by Usher for about a month now and I can't get tired of it. It's a body roll song to me and it gets my hyped up every time. I wonder why ;)

Oh David. You've outdone yourself this time.

David So

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Don't judge.

I really wanted to watch The Hunger Games from the moment I finished reading the book. But because I'm a cheap asian, I waited until there was a good quality vid.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Fingers Crossed!

So my birthday is coming up just in about three and a half months and I'm sorta planning on an event? I don't really know what to call it at the moment. Why so early, you may ask. I don't really know why I'm thinking about it so early it just came up in a conversation with my sister. We might be going to watch a movie, or eating, or lazer tag or even all of them. I don't really know. But they're the main things I'm planning on doing. And who am I going to invite? Well everyone except you. Only kidding. I don't even know myself so yeah :)

Monday 4 June 2012


So for those who don't know, I currently have a stretcher in. It's 3mm and (drum roll please...) I'm planning to get a 4mm the next time I go into the city. I'm so excited! So basically...I'm gonna look sah k3wl.


It was announced to us during fourth period that on Thursday this week, there will be a strike for Victorian teachers so that they can get more pay. The majority of our school's staff will be attending this strike so that means no school on Thursday!!!!!! YAYER!!!!! This means I miss our class misses out on the end of semester maths test. *insert semi column capital d* I feel so sorry for the year 7s and 11s that still have to go though...That means that this week I have 4 school days this week and next week I have 2 school days. Why you may ask? Well it's because on Monday it's the Queen's Birthday, on Thursday I have Interschool Netball and on Friday it's a Pupil Free day so the teachers can start writing our reports. Next week will be amazing.


Went to another asian gathering and the thing that kept me going was their toilet. I know it sounds retarded but you will understand when you see it.
Yes it's one of those cool japanese toilets
This toilet had a seat heater. My life is complete. That's all I need to say about it. Brb whilst I use it again.


On Saturday after Viet School and Tutor, I went to a family friend's birthday. Jen and myself were sitting in their lounge room for literally 3 hours until a cute as guy walks in into the study which is near the lounge room. We gave each other the look and hoped that he would approach us because we thought we were sexy. He obviously were blind because we went home without him even knowing our name. Why are we so socially awkward.

Trust MGC.

Taken on 1st June


My whole family is watching The Voice and this is the conversation that went down during the ads.
Dad: Joel's arms are covered in tattoos (Imagine an asian dad saying this to his daughter disapprovingly)
Me: Yeah but he's hot (mumbles reply)
Dad: What did you say??
Me: Nothing.

Friday 1 June 2012


There's this korean singer and she's just debuted this year. Her name's Ailee and I have so much respect for her. Not only is she a gorgeous girl, but she has the most amazing vocals and and is able to dance. She is actually so amazing because she didn't debut with the typical cutesy/girly song that pretty much every korean girl debuts with. Her debut song is a ballad with ridiculously high notes. Just watch her first performance: