Wednesday 31 October 2012

He's the only sexy guy with a ratty.

Feels like I'm four again :')

I had to ditch doing trick or treating today to go paint the back drop for the class performance on the 22nd November. We're currently really behind so we had to spend today's day off to do more work LOL. I got to Carla's house and she showed me the paints that her mum had and they were the brand that I'm sure everyone knows of when they see it. The one that smells like crap. Literally. it also has this cartoon of this weirdly shaped kid on it... Anyway, smelling it and using it again made me reminisce on the good old days of innocentness.


Tuesday 30 October 2012


Hot and botheredd

It hit 32 degrees celsius today and I actuallu thought that I was going to punch someone. I hate hot weather!!! Even my Blistex is melting *le cries*.

Monday 29 October 2012


i know we're sexy #THANHHH

Tough Love

When you ask for advice or an opinion, expect to get the truth. No matter how bad it hurts to hear it or how much you prefer it to not be that way, you need to know and there needs to be someone who is close enough and honest enough to you to tell you. And that person seems to be me.

Sunday 28 October 2012

I hate playing Cupid.

Image ruined!!!

When you see/know an "attractive" guy and then someone tells you something about them that just ruins your incredibly hot image of them. Damn you!

Godzilla's on TV!!!!!!


Last night I went to Thanh and Jenny's joint 16th. It was pretty awkward at the start because the only people I knew were Jen, Lisa and Thanh so that forced us to "socialise". When the music started it came as a relief and we danced until we got boob sweat. HAHAHA. Over all, it was a really fun night! Credits to the birthday gurlzzz!!!

Friday 26 October 2012


I love Ellen!!!

Random Much?

My dad decides to make a spontaneous asian gathering and Tash and Nat come. We go and eat at Nandos and stop by at the local gelato shop. We watch Zombieland and fist pump for a while until we get tired and just literally pass out on the bed. NOICE!

Wednesday 24 October 2012

what the fuck is with me and trams?

Once again I had to take the tram home after school today. I get on and once again I see the same guy from the tram trip on Saturday and Thursday(?). I get off at the same stop and noticed that he and one of his friends were nudging each other, whispering and pointing at me. Another one of their friends stands in front of me and I finally realise what all the fuss is about. The guy that walked in front of me was a relative of mine that I lived with for a period of time last year. We had a brief catch up and went and went our separate ways. I swear me and trams are a weird mix...

Monday 22 October 2012

Why the fuck does this keep happening to mehhh??

Went to Chapel St. today to buy birthday presents for Thanh and Jenny. On our way home, we got onto a tram and sat down. A couple stops down, I see from the corner of my eye, two guys running for the tram. Two guys I know, may I add. They got on and I used my peripheral vision to look and they had become significantly hotter over the years. I knew that they would turn out good, but knowing the awkward turtle I am and my history with seeing hot guys I know but aren't close with, I just awkwardly sat there LOL. When our stop had come, it became even more awkward because when I crossed the street and the tram rode past us, I glanced over at where they were sitting and one of them (the hotter one...) was already staring at me. We had this awkward probably 3 seconds worth of eye sexness until I finally pulled away. FARKKK! EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. They're so close yet so far. Why am I such an awkward turtle?


After Viet School, I made my way to Melbourne Central for Lisa Phamsie's birthday. When I got onto the front of the first carriage (tram), I was worried about being late and I was listening to music so I wasn't really paying attention. It was only until when I sat down did I realised that I may have just snobbed off someone I knew. I wasn't 100% sure whether it was him or not, but it did look exactly like him... At the next stop a guy got on and believe it or not, it was the "puberty hit hard" guy. He sat on a seat that wasn't facing me but it was obvious that we saw each other. God it was awkward... What made it even worse was that we got off the same stop, and knowing the city, it was packed so we were basically walking abreast the whole way... I then got to Hoyts and met up with the rest of the gang and braced myself for Paranormal 4. It honestly wasn't too scary. The last probably five to ten minutes were the most intense. We then went to Chinatown where we ate korean barbecue at Dae Jang Guem. I love that place and they didn't disappoint. They have amazing food but the service was kind of awkward... HAHAHA. We then quickly walked over to Desert House? I'm not sure what it's called. We ordered this thing (LOL I had no idea what it was) and it was actually pretty good. Usually I'm not too fond of deserts but I guess this was an exception. We then said our goodbyes because I needed to go somewhere afterwards.

I was then picked up to go to a another asian gathering (we be popular LOL). When we go there, we sat and talked for a while until we decided to ditch the party and go watch a movie HAHAHA. Iinvited this guy to come and watch with us but he rejected *am I not pretty enoughhh (LOL)* We went to watch Taken 2 at Village Cinema. I felt as though I was hard core third wheeling because the two people that drove us were dating so they were together and then there was me, Jen and Tammy... The movie was really good I think it was better than Paranormal 4. Just one thing that pissed me off was the mum in the movie. She's such a freaking weakling. It was so annoying to watch. We then went back to the party and photo whored until we were told to go home. A highly eventful day.

Well fuck you.

In P.E. today we did more fitness testing after last week's beep test surprise... Our P.E. teacher told us not to worry because she would tell us at least a week before hand so we can brace ourselves. Well fuck you. So today we did the 1.6 km run. We basically have to complete the route as quickly as possible which included the most tiring incline in the whole fucking world. But I bet the time I got at the start of the year by almost 2 minutes so I'm happy.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Just watched Paranormal Activity by myself in an empty house because I'm a fearless bastard.

Just to clarify some things about the movie.



The proud moment when you can download off Sound Cloud.

What the fuck?

The Janoskians are taking Teddy to court for the wallpost he did. They're taking this too far. He was only saying the truth about how fame had changed them and it's obvious since they're taking him to court and everything...

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Got my NAPLAN results back

My spelling and punctuation was so shit this year.

Puberty hit hard didn't it?

I had to tram home from school today with a friend and as I got on the tram, I prayed to God that I wouldn't see anyone I knew. I'm atheist for a reason. I get on and end up having to stand next to this guy who used to go to my primary school. He had slowly became hotter over the years. I couldn't help but stare at his nicely sculpted arms... What makes it worse is that he lives near me. So when I got off the tram, I awkwardly walked in front of him so I didn't have to see him. Yes I know I'm an awkward turtle.

Worst subjects today...

  • Art
  • Forensic Science
  • Maths
  • Science


Why do movie sessions have to be so far apart? Far out...

Tuesday 16 October 2012


what the fuck just happened...?
Back in the good old days we used to get literally 20 notifications a day. But now, I don't know about everyone else but I get about four. HAAHHA. Sad loif.

How could this have happened?

How the hell did Angel get sent home instead of Sam? No offence or anything but Angel has so much more potential compared to Sam. She's also been in the bottom two twice and this was Angel's first time. Sam was obviously doing something wrong. She's one of those people where you either love or hate. And she has the weirdest nasally voice which I wasn't fond of from the start. I am still in shock. Angel had an amazing voice.

makes my day

Just wrote up my resume

Form a line bitches. I know you all wan tot hire me. HAHAHA. Who am I kidding, I'm going to be forever broke.

Monday 15 October 2012


LOL Taken parody on Family Guy. HBAHBABHAHBAHBA


Wasted an hour at the folio City Experience Presentations. I honestly could have left 5 minutes in and no one would have known.

Friday 12 October 2012

I basically saw Kai from EXO K today.

Well, kind of... Whilst I was going to buy crepes, I walked passed a lot of people but one person, all it took was one person to almost make me faint. A Kai look alike. Oh my lord. I think this is a sign. He looked like him so much it's not even funny. Everything was the same except for the hair and he was a little older than him (about mid to late 20s). I still can't believe it. This obviously means that he wants me.

Finally City Experience is over. The last hour was such a blur since we were frantically putting together our folio with only three people (Danielle got sick after athletics). The only thing left to do is the presentations on Monday.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Everything hurtssss

After 5 hours slaving over my group's City Experience folio, I now suffer from lower back pain, aching shoulders and a head ache. FML. And the worst thing is I'm not even done.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

We meet again.

Me and Claire went off to State Library to take some photos and that was when we saw it.

Their fucking evil.

Oh how I loathe you.

City Experience is so stressful now since this is around the time where we have to hand everything in. Our group is firstly handicapped. One, we only have four people in our group when we're supposed to have five. Two, I'm the only one in the group that has come to all eight of the days since Claire and Danielle missed out on the first three days because they were in China and Carla and Danielle missed out today because they were at Regional Athletics and three, someone stole our first folio which had all of our colour paper. 'Tis been stressful.
Just cooked up and ate two whole packets of noodles.
I regret nothing.

Tuesday 9 October 2012



The building across from our City Experience building has such a cute rooftop. I will only get a house that has a rooftop.

Last minute.

I am so smart for leaving really important homework untouched until the very last minute. I deserve a pat on the shoulder. I actually am so screwed.

Updating the ipod,

it kills me.

Monday 8 October 2012


This choreo is amazing. The girl owns it!

Don't even wanna talk about school.

Let's just brush that topic over to the side...
A pleasantly surprising dnm with an unexpected candidate shall make my day.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Saturday 6 October 2012

I cannot believe it

I can't believe that today is the last day of holidays. Everything just seemed to end so quickly. I think I'm going to faint when I wake up at 7:30 tomorrow. What makes everything worse, is that we have City Experience for the first week back. I am going to die.

Friday 5 October 2012

ANNE'S 15thhh!!!

Yesterday I went to Anne's house for her 15th dinner. She invited CHOPSTICKS (the name we decided to give the only asian people in our class) and some of her friends from her old school. The food was really good and we watched the movie The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. All up, it was a good night.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Today was the most retarded day. Absolutely nothing happened. I had the energy of a snail even though the weather was amazing and there was so much to do.

Monday 1 October 2012

What a day.

Woke up at 8am today to get ready to go to Melbourne Show with mah peeplings after they came back from the China trip. Was having an awesome time until the notorious Hangover killed me and I had to leave early. That's all the information I am giving and you can imagine the rest. When I got home I bought myself a Bubble Tea (first order this year LOL true azn) and had something to eat before diving into my bed to get a nap. A couple hours later my mum woke me up to put Vapour Rub on me. I probably passed out for a few hours after that. Woke up at around 8:30 and dragged myself out of bed.  Only to have to go back to bed a couple hours later. What a day it has been.