Friday 31 August 2012

I earned 1 and a half stickers in English today!

Innocence is lost

Today was a marvellous day in Health. We were putting condoms on fake penises. At first I thought we were just using plastic bananas but turns out, the bananas were just a cover up. if you pulled on the stem, out comes a plastic penis. Oh the joy. We learnt how to properly put on a condom and the appropriate way to dispose it.

Thursday 30 August 2012

That one person who fucks up your bias list...

Kim Dae Hyun
He is one of those very few idols who are extremely talented and beautiful at the same time.
After about 2 months without my own pair of earphones, I finally got some.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Mmm kinda good ;)

We have this student teacher take our class today and he was funny and cool. I guess I'll be learning heaps...

Monday 27 August 2012

I wish Koharu Sugawara and Kyle Hanagami would just get married and have sexy dancer babies

'Tis a sign

The first few signs that indicate that Spring is coming has really been showing through the past couple days. The weather's been really nice, sun's been coming out more often, it's getting warmer and this:
The first few flowers on out peach tree!


I was listening to The Fox before and Pound the Alarm was playing. As they were getting further into the song, they had mashed in the chorus of Gangnam Style by PSY. It sounded freaking awesome!!


Apparently when I put my subjects for next year online, it fucked up and now I may not get my top subjects. FARKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.

Don't do what I do

Oh my lord. I hate it when someone purposely says something I would say or does something I would do. Just stick with your own shit and I'll stick to mine.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Kentucky Fried Chicken

We went to KFC in Coburg because we wanted chicken and chips. We stood at the counter for ten minutes, not being able to decide what to get until we just got this massive family meal. We then realised that there weren't any Wicked Wings in the meal. The ground seemed to have dropped from beneath us. Everyone was devastated and when our order came, the guy that was serving us told us to hold on. As we were walking out into the car, we were checking our bags, and there it was. A box of Wicked Wings. Oh my lord. Made my day. That guy deserves a medal.


On Saturday, we organised a surprise birthday party for my dad. We were going to hide the cake in the  car because we were going to a family friend's house to celebrate it and Jen was hiding it under a jacket in the car-taking literally 10 years to do so. Dad ends up coming out of the house to get ready to take me to tutor and we're still standing there. Luckily he didn't see anything. That was the most intense 10 seconds of frantic get-out-of-the-car ness I've ever had. Everything turned out good and he said that he "forgot" that it was his birthday today. Bitch please.

Walking out of Viet School whilst singing a dirty section of Take You Down by Chris Brown (who am I kidding the whole song is dirty), then having a guy listening to music walk up from behind us turn around and give us a what-the-fuck face.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

And i'm so sick of being sick...

I noticed that I was getting light headed and dizzy at 3rd period on Tuesday and by the time I got home, I thought I was going to pass out... I ended up staying home sick the next day. Life's good....

Monday 20 August 2012

They actually did it.

"YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!" "Well let me freaking try!!!"

I hate being the last person to find out about something that I should know. Especially when everyone else had known for quite some time.


I  met up with Cindy and Lisa went to the Melbourne Uni Open Day on Sunday. We caught up for a bit and went over to the uni. I wasn't really paying attention on my surroundings since I'm only in year nine...I just wanted to soak everything in and worry about courses next year. When we got there, everything was free and it felt good just to get some free food and stress balls. We were about to leave when we heard some music and realised that they were promoting Red Bull and had a dj there. We were so tempted to start a circle but were obviously too pussy. It was a good day that included heaps of walking.


On Saturday, my family friends and our family went to Mt. Buller. We had to wake up at 5 to meet up with the whole gang and bus to the snow. It was a painful three to four hour car trip. But all was forgotten when we got there. I saw snow for the first time and threw my first snow ball. I felt freaking amazing!!! We left at around 2:30 and get back to someone's house for dinner. I have never felt so tired but it was worth it.
You probably can't tell but this actually was at one of the pit stops on the way to the snow. We didn't take that many photos since 1. it was unanimously decided that we all looked disgusting and 2. we were having heaps of fun.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Procrastination at its best...

For the past week, I've noticed that my "I can't be bothered" levels have risen by alot. I think it's because I had a day off on Monday then had an excursion on Tuesday. I can't really remove myself from the tv since Big Brother and Everybody Dance Now started. There's just so much to do, not including school work... Let's pray that this is just  a short term thing and that I don't fail at school.
Drove around for 3 hours today to get freaking snow boots. My ass literally hurts from sitting down so much.

Tuesday 14 August 2012



We had a Marine Biology excursion to St. Kilda Beach to do a Debris Survey today. The highlight of my day was when we saw the North Melbourne Kangaroos train in the water. Don't mid me whilst I drool.

Sunday 12 August 2012


The plan for today was to go get a birthday present for a friend and to spend the rest of the day a State to "study" and not look at the Melb High guys that come in.

What the fuck is happening

Everybody Dance Now just started and I have no idea what the hell is happening. I don't get this shiett.


Everybody Dance Now starts tonight at 7:30!!! Can't wait to see BKODE, Panty Droppas and KSTAR. Been waiting for this since forever!!!

Saturday 11 August 2012

Retail therapy

Ignore my toes....
Today I went around Bridge Rd for some spontaneous shopping with Jen since mum and dad were out for the night. I got a 20 dollar black back pack and a nail filer for 3 (LOL) from Factorie. I also got a faded purple pair of Bonds briefs from BU for 5 bucks and I got this long sleeved patterned dress (white feathers on navy blue) that's long at the back and shorter at the front for 15 from a shop called FE194 that is made up of heaps of brands. The dress' brand is Little Lilles or something along those lines... I think I'm going through a faze where I love dresses that are "lop sided". I've gotten 2 in the past 2 weeks and for me that's a lot because I usually don't even look at the dresses section. Twas a good day.

YEAHH I PREDICT A heart attack...

I can't believe it. Is this reality?
So a couple days ago, I commented on a video BKODE shared. The video was a promo for the new show Everybody Dance Now and BKODE and Panty Droppas are going to be in it. Anyway, I commented on it saying something along the lines of I almost had a heart attack when I saw them, and then the BKODE page AND Ajay Rodriguez liked my comment. OH MY LORD. I literally had a heart attack when I saw the notification. Now all I need is to have Richard Baculo as a friend on facebook.


I've literally spent two days trying to get onto blogspot but it kept on coming up as a blank page. But I somehow finally did it so now I can start posting again. *colon capital d*

Wednesday 8 August 2012


I played basketball and murderball for P.E. today and I noticed whilst I was changing, that I had developed a massive bruise on my left knee. This seems to happen to me too often. ARGHHH

Monday 6 August 2012




For fourth period, my Marine Biology class went to Melbourne Aquarium to start a weekly trip. I haven't been since I was literally five or six so I was really excited to go. I had a great time and made more friends in my class. I will never forget what Mr. Vance told us before we headed home. He said "When we get to the top of this escalator there's going to be cheap souvenirs made from China. I don't mind if you get them but I thought I should let you know."

Sunday 5 August 2012


Earlier today I went to a market place with my parents cause they dragged me out with them. But I still managed to get a simple navy blue v neck jumper for 12 after a little bargaining. Then I went to the city to buy more things for the snow. That didn't really happen like usual... What do you expect? Bought a maroon maxi skirt and a black dress which is short at the front and longer at the back for 5 and 10 dorra from Cotton On and bought a navy blue jacket from Target for 25. I never knew Target had nice, comfortable stuff until today. Respect.

Life decisions

Should I continue to watch Dance Moms or start Jersey Shore?


Went to eat my first taco at Salsa's on Saturday. Crunchy or soft you may ask? 
I must say it was fucking amazing

Friday 3 August 2012


I was skypeing with a friend and her mum came over and said hi. My parents saw her and ran over to said hi and basically shoved me off my laptop so that they could have a little reunion. While they were at it, my dad thought it was completely necessary to grab the guitar and relive the good old days where him, my friend's mum and a couple other people would perform/sing.

Thursday 2 August 2012

What a lovely surprise

Baby wait for me


On the 18th I'll be going to thed snow for the first time with my family and family friends. I'm so excited!!! I was told really unexpectedly. Mum and Dad just told me we were going to the snow when they were picking me up from school. This shall be AWESOMEE!!!